Monday, 22 August 2011

The importance of protecting wild animals

  Some people claim that wild animals are more harm than good for human life in future, leading to the fact that protecting them is unnecessary while the others believe that not only do people have to preserve wild animals from extinction but people also should return to them the natural environment invaded by human. I am totally convinced by the latter view for following reasons.
  First, opponent argue that it is a waste of money and labour source for protecting wild animals while many people in the world still suffer starvation and disease . Undoubtedly, that governments pour a huge of money on all animals' preversation researches and programs which may achieve nothing can cause the lack of money for other important fields. However, is it true in any circumstances? The fact has shown the opposite result which changes people' conciousness and bring economic benefit for the whole nation. In this case, seaworld is a stark example of successful marine park which attracts tourists from all over the world and is of great education value for children. Moreover, not only can animal's protecting programs create more jobs for unemployments but its also help people gain a lot of exhilarating knowledge on animals life.
  Second, it is claimed that the role of wild animals is not important because human already have the development of technology.To illustrate, unlike in the past, nowadays pigeons are no longer used to convey letters thanks to the inventions of telephone and internet. But, it is undeniable that many great inventions for our modern life imitated the wildlife of animals, such as plane, car, and so on. Furthermore, only by preserving wild animals can the people keep ecological balance to avoid natural disasters. For example, there are more and more unpredicted natural disasters which damaged thousands lives due to the bad actions of people with nature and wild animals like invading wild animals lands, ruining natural forests and discarding toxic rubbish to natural environment. Unquestionably, wild animals play an important part in the existing of the earth, leading to the fact that animals have their right to be protected in this planet. Last but not least, only when joining in some animals preservation or being taught about these issue at school can children know more about the theory of evolution and find the connection between them and the wildlife.
by Sierra
Timing: 40 minutes T.T